sex worker

美 [ˈseks wɜːrkər]英 [ˈseks wɜːkə(r)]
  • n.性工作者(对以性行为换取金钱者的委婉说法)
sex workersex worker
  1. then sex worker rights matter to you .


  2. A sex worker can refuse to see a client at any time , for any reason ,


  3. In the hands of a fugitive sex worker ?


  4. Among female sex worker group , they largely have wrong perceptions on AIDS / STD prevention and control knowledge .


  5. I 'm just one sex worker on the stage today , but I 'm bringing a message from all over the world .


  6. The syndicate was attempting to exploit a loophole in the law known as the " one woman / one apartment rule ", which allows one sex worker to work on her own .


  7. The rate of knowing knowledge of every crowd about AIDS is still a bit poor , and that of common crowd , young student and sex worker was respectively 68.06 % , 74.69 % and 56.63 % .


  8. Here in the UK , I 'm part of sex worker-led groups like the Sex Worker Open University
